About Autism News and Views

Autism News and Views will provide regular updates on news about Autism. In addition, we have provided important links to a wide variety of web sites that will provide you with information on Education, Health, Safety, Advocacy, Service Providers and much more. Use Autism News and Views as your source for the best information on the Autism Spectrum.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Parents: We Can Help You-- Now; Review of the Literature & More Puzzle Pieces Are Starting To Fit

"The difference between high-functioning and low-functioning is that high-functioning means your deficits are ignored, and low-functioning means your assets are ignored." Laura Tisoncik.

Information For Parents:

I often get emails from parents asking me for help, information and resources.
As a result, I would like to alert all parents to the plethora of information on this blog devoted to resources and information for parents. For example, in addition to the many resources, providers and schools listed, there's a special section entitled, "Resources 4 Parents."

In this section, parents will find parent and family friendly web sites such as Child Parent Autism Cafe, practical ways to help manage and plan daily living with autism. Parent 2 Parent USA which offers emotional and informational support for parents of children with special needs. Another very useful web site is Families for Early Autism Treatment. FEAT, as it's well known, provides best outcome Education, Advocacy and Support for the Northern California Autism Community. Any parent will find useful information on this outstanding web site. Parents Helping Parents offers a multitude of services for families and children with special needs. Autism Inspiration is an online resource for parents and teachers of children with autism.

The bottom line is Autism News and Views can assist parents in finding answers to their questions. It can also assist parents in finding appropriate services. I suggest parents spend some time and navigate Autism News and Views. I'm confident it can be a valuable resource to all of you.