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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Autism 2 Squared: Rapid Recent Developments

"Should Autism Be Treated? Yes. But With Respect." Poster Quote


The developments in treating autism are occurring at a rapid pace.  Let's take a closer look:
  • The new DSM-5 (The Diagnostic + Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders) was finally published. One of the more significant changes included redefining Asperger's. "Pervasive development disorder not otherwise specified" was omitted as a separate category. Instead, they are now placed into a broader, scale-based diagnosis called Autism Spectrum Disorder. No one NOW will lose their Asperger's diagnosis, but it will be much harder to obtain in the future.
  • The first successful experiment with humans using a treatment referred to as sensory-motor or environmental enrichment documented marked improvement in boys with autism. Science Daily
  • People with autism are finding work in information technology. AutonomyWorks employs only people with autism because of their ability to spot patterns and work well in repetitive jobs. ABC News
  • University of Manchester (UK) reported recently that babies whose growth is at either extreme in the womb---either very big or very small---are at greater risk of developing autism. Science Daily

  • AutistiX is a British rock band whose members all have autism. Their first tour will be in Spain and they plan on putting out an album soon. BBC News
  • Researchers at the University of Toronto are exploring the link between Autism and gastrointestinal problems. Toronto Star

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