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Autism News and Views will provide regular updates on news about Autism. In addition, we have provided important links to a wide variety of web sites that will provide you with information on Education, Health, Safety, Advocacy, Service Providers and much more. Use Autism News and Views as your source for the best information on the Autism Spectrum.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Medications Fall Short, Catch This New Film, Decoding Autism, Tool Kit, New Autism Center To Open

I want to take a moment to thank all those who visited the blog after its launch last week. The number of visits for the initial release was a pleasant surprise. Since the launch, we listed additional links to be able to serve you better. Again, thank you very much.

  • In the current issue of Pediatrics, researchers reported that medications are of little help to most children with autism. Although many treatments for autism fall short, behavioral therapy continues to be the most effective.
  • In last week's edition, we reported on several films that focused on autism. This month another film opened entitled, Wretches & Jabberers. It's a buddy/trip movie about two individuals who are trying to change public perceptions of autism. The director of the film is Gerardine Wurzburg, who directed the 1992 film, Educating Peter, a film about people with Down Syndrome.
  • While we have your attention about films, we would urge you to view, Decoding Autism. This is a documentary shown by NJN, Public Radio and Televison. The film is an hour long (We've linked up to it under "NJN.") that highlights the efforts underway by scientists, teachers, researchers and others in New Jersey and other cities to gain more insights into prevention, treatment and a cure.
  • Don't neglect your local library. They have a program entitled, "Libraries and Autism: We're Connected." They offer many resources, videos, strategies and very useful links about autism.
  • Autism Speaks has a tool kit available to assist families in getting important information they need in the first 100 days after an Asperger's or High Functioning Autism diagnosis. Check out, "Asperger's Syndrome and High Functioning Autism Tool Kit." It should also be available at most public libraries. If not, contact Autism Speaks. The link is on this blog.
  • New center for autism is scheduled to open at Purdue Research Park in West Lafayette, IN, on April 20, 2011. They will collaborate with Purdue University and help raise awareness about autism.
  • Mark your calendars for this major upcoming conference: Autism Research Institute's Spring Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, from April 28-May 1. Call 1-866-366-3361 for more information.

Jerry J. Komar, M.Ed.